Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Another political rant, but this one is special because it's MINE

WOW. I fell asleep last night before they announced the winner of the election. I woke up and saw it first thing, though. I. AM. SHOCKED.

I voted for Hillary. It was a no brainer in my mind. I know she had her issues, however, she was the best choice for me. I voted Republican for several local offices. I cannot understand how anyone could feel good about a vote for Donald Trump. He is a man who has been able to buy his way out of any troubles he’s ever had. I can’t even afford to make two car payments in a month. How will Donald Trump ever truly relate to the common man? He hasn’t lived the life of a normal person. This isn’t an episode of Undercover Boss. This is the reality we have made for ourselves.

Let’s hope that he looks at his wife and sees that she emigrated to the U.S. from Slovenia before he decides to come down too hard on other immigrants. I know that being here illegally is wrong, but here’s something else I know. I drove by a day labor pickup spot yesterday and it had men standing and waiting for their chance to work. To earn money and support themselves. That’s more than I can say for a lot of citizens who sit back and live off of their check from the government. I understand and support those who truly need and deserve assistance. I’m talking about the people who feel no responsibility to step up and take care of themselves.

My mind is going a million miles an hour. It’s hard to get it all down.

How can anyone with a son watch this man and feel like he’s the right choice? Wouldn’t you want to just slap your son in the mouth if he made some of the comments that Trump has made? If your son was accused of taking advantage of his power and thinking he’s God’s gift to women, would you support him? I sure wouldn’t. I would love him, but I wouldn’t be OK with it. I’m certainly not OK with the most powerful leader in the free world being that way.

They have been LOOKING HARD for any excuse to indict Hillary. You better believe that if she had done something…anything…big enough to justify it, they would’ve brought her down. They didn’t though. FOX News even had to apologize for reporting that she was in trouble for more scandal when she wasn’t. Irresponsible and sickening.

I am offended at the highest level by any comment of Hillary being “just as bad” as Trump. Donald Trump allegedly violated people while he looked them in the eyes. He criticized people who made lots of money for him. He has few human morals. I wish I could say that no one gets insanely rich by valuing the people who helped them get there, but then I see people like Mark Cuban who make me think otherwise.

I didn’t vote for Hillary because she’s a woman. I voted for her because she holds many of the same values I do. I said MANY…not all. You don’t treat people like they are lesser than you. How can anyone go on the web and see montage after montage of Trump’s lies and smug looks and lack of a case and be OK with him? He is like a third grade boy. When something anti-Trump would arise in a debate or whatever, I was pretty much waiting for “I know you are, but what am I?” as a response.
If he can cheat on his wives, he can cheat on anything else. And he can hide behind his money when he does it. Money that he has made…I promise you this…by employing immigrant workers. The same people he will condemn once he takes office.

I can’t even think about what this means for equal marriage rights. I don’t understand how anyone could be against two people who love each other wanting the same rights as everybody else. There’s nothing wrong with me as a person. I am capable of just as much as any heterosexual person I know. I am capable and even more worthy of a marriage than most heterosexual people I know. It’s a shame that I might never get to exercise that right.

After this, would anyone be surprised if Snooki and J-Woww won the next election? I would honestly feel better about them being our elected leaders than I do Trump. At least they didn’t get off on telling people that they’re fired.

I have looked through Facebook and a lot of people are worried about how to explain this terror to their kids. I saw this link to a Huffington Post article addressing that. You should look at the entire site, though, to get a feel for things. I am horrified.

On the up side, the Trump win does give us the power to unite. We as a country can band together and keep it together. We have to have confidence in our other elected officials to keep this man in check. Instead of not liking each other because of who we voted for, we can see each other as people who have rights. Rights than generations before us fought hard to ensure for us. Let’s not allow this one bigot to come in and deny anything.

Let’s not act like this is the apocalypse because it’s not. Teach your kids the same things you taught them yesterday. Teach them to value people as people regardless of what you see on the outside. This man cannot take the gays and put us all on a farm in the middle of Nevada. He can’t just decide to get rid of NAFTA. He can teach hate, though, if we allow it. SO DON’T.

I voted, though, so I feel like I have a right to be bothered by these results. If you didn’t find the time to exercise your right to vote yesterday or in early voting, you really have no room to say a word. Inaction is just as powerful as action at times. Your vote counted and if you didn’t recognize that power, you shouldn’t say a word.


    I've been listening to the Kidd Kraddick in the Morning Show since 1997. I am Catholic. As you know on 12/20 you all did a bit about the top ten most inappropriate sounding words. When the word rectory was brought up you made the comment "not unless he's Catholic" or something to that affect. I think we all know what you were hinting at. To be honest I was shocked that this was said and that it was deemed acceptable. Imagine if this were a community you are involved in for example the LGBT community. If someone made such a derogatory comment I wonder what you would do. Would you let it go? Would you get upset? Would you start a social media uproar? I honestly hope you never have to find out. What was said was hurtful and completely inappropriate. What struck me the most is that if this comment was made about the LGBT community for example I think there would have been an uproar but somehow because it was made about the Catholic Community it was laughed off and everyone moved along. I'm writing this letter to you to let you know that someone who has listened for almost 20 years is highly offended to the point where I may not tune in to the show again in the future. I want to feel safe when I listen to the radio and quite honestly I did not feel that way this morning when you made that comment.
    This saddens me greatly but what saddens me more is that ultimately it appeared you felt making this comment was perfectly acceptable. It was beyond hurtful and not to mention inaccurate if you look up the research regarding sexual abuse and different religions.
    The Catholic church has not experienced any more of this tragedy than any other denomination. Even one incident is unacceptable and tragic but it is reckless to state that one denomination has experienced it more than others when that is simply not the truth.
    Thank you for your time.

    I've been listening to the Kidd Kraddick in the Morning Show since 1997. I am Catholic. As you know on 12/20 you all did a bit about the top ten most inappropriate sounding words. When the word rectory was brought up you made the comment "not unless he's Catholic" or something to that affect. I think we all know what you were hinting at. To be honest I was shocked that this was said and that it was deemed acceptable. Imagine if this were a community you are involved in for example the LGBT community. If someone made such a derogatory comment I wonder what you would do. Would you let it go? Would you get upset? Would you start a social media uproar? I honestly hope you never have to find out. What was said was hurtful and completely inappropriate. What struck me the most is that if this comment was made about the LGBT community for example I think there would have been an uproar but somehow because it was made about the Catholic Community it was laughed off and everyone moved along. I'm writing this letter to you to let you know that someone who has listened for almost 20 years is highly offended to the point where I may not tune in to the show again in the future. I want to feel safe when I listen to the radio and quite honestly I did not feel that way this morning when you made that comment.
    This saddens me greatly but what saddens me more is that ultimately it appeared you felt making this comment was perfectly acceptable. It was beyond hurtful and not to mention inaccurate if you look up the research regarding sexual abuse and different religions.
    The Catholic church has not experienced any more of this tragedy than any other denomination. Even one incident is unacceptable and tragic but it is reckless to state that one denomination has experienced it more than others when that is simply not the truth.
    Thank you for your time.
