Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Wanna see my scar and scab? And more?

OK I linked this because I know that not everyone would want to see it. You guys saw my head back when it had stitches and staples holding it together. This is what it looks like now on January 7. Yes, I know that I have a LOT of gray hair. I always have. Thats why I depend on Kelli Stewart to keep me looking young.

I did get the lab results back from the endocrinologist today. My 7 vials of blood drawn were all fine. So that's a plus. But that still leaves the question of why nothing stays in my stomach unless I'm high on Phenergan? And even with it, I still throw up. Is it something with a fluid build up in my ears? I have an ENT appt tomorrow. Is it a gastro problem? Who the heck knows. Is my brain just still super pissed because they removed a part of it that had been there for so long? My brain is a girl, and you know that once you make us mad, it takes a lot for us to get over it. My brain has been doing no sweet talking and has given me no pretty gifts, so there's a chance that it's all just from having my head innards picked at. I guess I can also show pics of the tumor itself. I will scroll down and post. Here's your chance to click out. I'm telling you. It's blood and tumors and literally the inside of my head.

My head January 7, 2014. I know it's not pretty, but it's my reality. And this reality itches and hurts like a beeyotch at times.

The next ones are from during the surgery. They are graphic. You have been warned.

Here's the tumor inside my brain still. It looks like a pearl or something. It's not. It's a tumor.

This is towards the end when they put a titanium rod in there to fill the space they drilled out I guess. 

Here's the "mesh"covering up the rod. 

 Here are the pieces they picked out. I got lucky because Dr. Morgan figured out that if they changed the angle they went in my head, they could get a good chunk out of it at once. The less they mess around in there, the less chance of complications. So here it is in chunks.
 And here's a closer pic of a piece of it. I'm not sure who's holding it. Maybe Steve the wire guy.


  1. Thank you for sharing, my 8 year old cousin had a brain tumor removed last month. He goes in for another surgery tomorrow because of fluid

  2. I love seeing these pictures! Definitely shows how much you've overcame! Hopefully they can figure out why you can't keep anything down. Glad you're doing better Shanon! Stay strong!

  3. Amazing!! Hope they figure out why you are so nauseous. I imagine your body is still adjusting to the big change.

  4. Shannon, you are right about all the supposed reasons you're not able to keep food in your stomach. Basically, the body is mad, and yes it can be fluid in the ears, and the brain being a lil upset at you, and by all means, lets not forget to add in the GIRL factor...lol A major surgery requires major recovery. Please don't be in a hurry to recover. That's what's wrong with most of us, always in a hurry to feel better. When you begin to feel tired, rest, cuz you're body is already tired. here's a simple way to think of it. In order to get a good recovery we have to have balance, try not to overdue things. As for the nausea - try super tiny meals 3-4 bites then wait 10 minutes, then a few more. and so on. YES, we all miss you every morning, BUT we are all willing to be patient, and wait while you rest, so you can recover - Because, we all love you.

    1. I could not have said it any better myself. Get well Shannon!

  5. An absolute beautiful surgery done beautifully for such a beautiful person literally inside and out! So happy for you finding out about the tumor and taking care of it!! Love you so much and thank you for sharing this journey with everyone! The potential of someone seeing your journey could def help them take action in their own lives for their health and qothout as much fear since theyve seen your stiry. You are a blessing to us all! Love you Shannon!!

  6. That was very interesting! Thanks for sharing. And still sending good, healing vibes your way. Feel better.

  7. Wow that's crazy and cool looking (morbid I kno) but it is...u would fig something that causes so many problems would be bigger! Hope ur doing well n I'm still praying for you! Miss listening to you on KiddKraddickinthemorning!!

  8. You are like the most absolute cool person EVER. If I ever get a chance to meet you, I am going to grab it like a rabbit! <3 We do hope you continue to heal and get better with each passing day. We think about you daily and miss your wit and charm. Thank you for being open with us. It's a HUGE difference from everyone else out there in the media/entertainment business. Tons of love and healing your way, Shanon! :)


  9. And sweet girl-when they work in your brain, your signals get altered for everything...don't be surprised if it is your gall bladder acting up and that is causing the vomiting! Thanks for the update and get some rest!

  10. I love to see medical pictures like this. Yes, I know that makes me odd, but then again, I'm in the medical field. My prayers continue to be with you. You have overcome so much. Truly an inspiration. I'm glad to hear the blood work came back clean and pray that they will find out what is causing you to be so nauseous. God bless.

  11. I listened to you for years so I kinda feel you are almost like a close friend. Thanks for sharing. Sending loads of positive thoughts and prayers!! Know that you are strong, Girl! You got this!!

  12. Glad You're doing good! Can't wait to hear you back on the show!

  13. shanon...I love your strength and courage, despite maybe not feeling so strong or brave at times. I feel that things happen for a reason...and like myself...bad things seem to happen to you and your existence. but keep your head held high...I feel as though God is just continuing to test your faith not only in him, but in others around you, and in yourself. you're going through a rainy season...global warming may have caused that rainy season to be much longer than it should be lol jk...but keep looking up...or you'll miss the brightness and warmth of the sun.

  14. Man, your poor body has really been through the wringer. I am constantly surprised at your willingness to share your life with all of us, scars, tumors, & (especially) gray hair!! Lol....continue to heal; my thoughts and prayers are with you!

  15. I'm weird, but I love, love, love seeing surgical type pictures. And I think your scar doesn't look that bad! I was nauseous for about 1.5 months after a c-section- could barely eat, etc. Our bodies just need time to adjust to a new normal, especially after surgery. Hopefully you'll get some answers from the ENT and start feeling better soon!

  16. that's amazing....still luv ya and miss you on the show. get well soon Shan.

  17. Oh Shanon thank you for sharing! Now we can really see the "miracle" that happened! God is so AWESOME!! As well as the people who worked on you!! You are my hero! Hang in there!!

  18. you go girl! hope things keep getting better and may God be with you always! love and miss seeing you on the show!

  19. Hard as you try this isn't something that gets better because you want or will it to. Being strong and fighting is noble, expecting immediate results is misleading.

    Be thankful there isn't a Psycho Shannon Memorial.


  20. May God heal who wholly and fully. You, my friend, have endured much, and this is a rough one. Let this all be for HIS glory. I pray God use you for many many many years. Love you! Shaianne! ( 43 year old triple bypass survivor )

  21. Thank you for sharing. I know this has not been easy for you, but to open yourself up to tell people your story is simply amazing. You are an inspiration to those who are going through a similar experience. You are a very special person and I pray that you have a speedy recovery.

  22. Thanks for sharing, Shannon! You remain in our prayers.

    On a silly note, is it wrong that I wanna say, "It's not a tumor!" [Schwartzenegger ref!)


  23. That was gnarly! Thanks for sharing Shanon.
