This is another one of those things where I don't know what to say. There's no right place to start. I've known Kidd my entire adult life. He started on the radio in Dallas in 1984 or 86. I was either 3 or 5 years old. So basically I've at least known of him my whole life. He was not only my boss, but also like a dad to me. He taught me everything I know in the only skill I truly have. But it goes deeper than that. He has offered support to me at times I needed it the most. He taught me that celebrities are human, too. He cried with me when we lost Ethan. He had compassion that I never expected from a guy I grew up listening to. In one form or fashion, Kidd has been part of my world for most of my life. He and Kellie were my heroes. I was that person who would email and ask to just come watch the show. I never got a reply, but it meant so much just to express my admiration for them and the work they did. It was my dream to produce for Kidd and I did that. I got to be Kidd's extra set of hands. I learned his brain and I can tell you the man was brilliant. He was a perfectionist to a fault. When it came to this show and serving our listeners, satisfaction was impossible. Which can be tough at times when all you want to do is please the guy you've looked up to for so long. I believe that Kidd played an enormous role in molding me into the person I've become. I don't know if that's anything he would brag about, but I think I've come a long way in the past 14 years. I've seen the work that goes into all of the giving that Kidd has done. I know that the perfection he demanded was because he wanted to make the world a better place. He was tireless in putting together a staff who shared in his vision. We all fed off of his enthusiasm. I know that I went from a selfish 17 year old girl to one of his "go-to" girls. I learned to want to give to others. I learned to love. I was given the chance to form relationships that never would have otherwise happened. To think that Kidd brought people unlike anyone else into my life is something I will be forever grateful for. Kellie Rasberry has been a hero of mine for as long as I can remember and now she's more than that. I can say that I truly love most of my co-workers. Some of them haven't been there very long, so saying that I love them is a lie. Kidd would be pretty pissed if I lied about that.
As in every relationship, we had our ups and downs. We're human. That man knew my buttons and took no shame in pushing them. But he also knew when I needed a hug and to hear "I love you, Shanon." Kidd was always a girly man with emotions both on and off the air. Like I said we did have a couple good cries together. But he also showed me a world I would have never seen otherwise. He taught me to lighten up a little bit. If you knew me in my younger years, you know what a big deal that is. I've always been one to internalize stress. Let it build up and consume me to the point of daily migraines. That's no way to live! So when I turned 17 and started in radio, I learned to laugh. I learned to accept the good with the bad. And you know what? Sometimes you could take the bad and make a bit out of it. Sometimes those bits end with you being detained by the police. I would have never been in the back of a cop car had it not been for Kidd Kraddick.
Kidd personified perfectionism when it came to Kidd's Kids and KKITM. To the point that I would walk out of that studio some days and just bawl because I didn't want to let him down. Some days I would cuss him the whole ride home. It's usually been a pretty short drive. For a few months it was a longer drive. And some of those I won't forget.
Like when Taylor Swift was in town. The DAY OF the show Kidd tells me he wants an interview with her. Really?? I'm supposed to just pull back stage access with recording approval three hours before she takes stage out of my ass? Kidd's answer was yes. Get it done. So I did. I had Ethan that day. He didn't need no stinkin' shoes to meet Taylor Swift!! So I loaded him up in the car, called Kidd, and off we went to the American Airlines Center in Dallas. If you've ever been in the car with Kidd, you know he's that guy who swears he knows where he's going, but in the end will be late because he sucked at directions and got lost whenever something shiny would distract him. Impossible. But we got it done. Little Ethan in a stroller sitting there while Kidd was the only area jock to interview her. And I made it happen. And he was happy. So I was proud. Stressed beyond words, but still proud.
Then there was Ben Folds. Kidd's idol. And Ben came to town for a show and Kidd wanted him in studio. But it's freaking Ben Folds! He only plays one brand of baby grand piano. Which we weren't gonna pay to rent, have delivered, or tuned. Or picked up. From our studio with average width doors. That sits below street level. But we made it happen. Ben came in and once again Kidd was happy. So I was proud.
I could get into the times we completely blew the opportunity to break an artist. The record label BEGGED us to debut "I Kissed a Girl." Kidd wasn't into it. Or Lady Gaga. But he did give in when I gave him Justin Bieber. Thank goodness. There were just so many high five moments that we shared along with probably just as many I wanna punch you in the throat moments.
To say that I have no idea where this life is going to take me next is an understatement. I don't know. I know that I'm still surrounded by talented people who have been around way longer than me. And I think J-Si is meant to host a show. Honestly, we get each other. Someone sent me a message that said that the dynamics between Kellie and me makes them feel like they're listening to genuine best friends. Since I'm rarely on air anymore, that meant a lot to me.
We had a meeting yesterday to try and figure out where we go from here. And as far as I am concerned, I don't know. I feel like I was Kidd's right hand man. I got him. I could tell what direction he was going with a bit before being told. I could write in a way that he was comfortable with reading my stuff verbatim. Or reading none of it cuz I sucked that day. It happens.
When I first started with the show, Kidd's Kids was already a big deal, but it was still growing. And honestly I probably would have just been in the way had I gone on the trips. But I wanted to so bad. I wanted to see Kidd's vision come true. And the year for me to go on the trip finally came. I was excited and terrified all at once. It is an experience unlike anything else. Exhausting is putting it lightly. It's emotionally draining from one extreme to the other. I remember getting on the bus from the airport and immediately bonding with Emma Elizondo. She sat in my lap and made me feel like I was where I was supposed to be. Another moment I will never forget. Most people expect the trip to be kind of a sad thing. A big group of people moping around Disney World because of their less than ideal situation. That's not the case at all. Of course there are moments of happy tears. And yeah a few sad ones. But I've learned first hand that the trip is life changing for those kids and their families. I've become pretty close to a few families and I can tell the impact of the trip by their enthusiasm to support Kidd's Kids and ensuring that the trips continue to go on. No matter what happens with any of us.
The fact that we have been able to devote one single 4 hour show per year to raising money for that years trip is huge. What makes it huge is that you guys put your faith in Kidd and us and the organization and somehow donate almost a half million dollars every single year. And I do not doubt that Kidd's reputation was the reason for the trust in giving your money. But it goes beyond that. Like I said earlier, a big part of overall success is surrounding yourself with people who share and support your passion. If there is any skill I could say that Kidd was brilliant at...outside of his on-air skills, that would be it. He put together a rock solid crew of people who work their asses off to make that man proud. I feel like it's important to give credit to those people because, at the end of the day, all of us banded together were a big part of Kidd's success.
Kellie Rasberry is truly unlike anyone else. Seriously. She keeps you on your feet in conversation. She's witty and funny and insanely talented on the mic. But off the mic, her greatness continues. She is sort of the conscience of what happens in the studio. She's not afraid to say that a topic of conversation needs to end. She's got a 6 year old, so she can walk a mile in parents shoes and be the gatekeeper for right and wrong. And to be able to stand up to Kidd took gall. She's got it. She's the epitome of the talent I wish I could be. She makes me want more for myself. She's my hero.
Big Al Mack. His story is a lot like mine in the fact that we've not played the typical radio game of getting hired and fired and moving to every small town station that would hire us. We both started with Kidd. And it's not lost on either of us that we've been really lucky in that area. Big Al has a heart of gold. Seriously. When he remembers to use it. If his head was on par with his heart, he would be unstoppable. But it's not. He forgets stuff five minutes after it crosses his mind. Which is admirable In the sense that he's not that guy who holds a grudge. I've done stuff that he should have been really upset with me for. But he shows me that happiness comes with the ability to let it go. Why fill your heart with wasted energy. His sense of joy in life is one that I admire. He gives it up for the show. He's just a great guy.
J-Si Chavez is what I consider to be a real man. He's true. He will cry when he needs to. When I see him with his son, Cason, it makes me truly happy. He and Kinsey are doing everything right. I seriously believe that. J-Si is a talent that's going to just explode one day. Seriously. His stories are ones that people want to hear. He's compassionate and just has a spirit that cannot be matched. I feel like I've kind of gotten to watch him grow up. Even though I'm really not that much older than him. If I need to talk to someone in confidence, I can go to him and trust in that. I cannot say that I trust many people in that way. Especially guys. But I love him, Kinsey, and Cason like they're my family. Mostly because they are.
I could go on and on about the rest of the staff. Of course I believe that I'm the absolute best at what I do. That's not arrogance. It's fact. I'd have been fired a long time ago had Kidd not agreed with that.
You've got Jenna who keeps up with celeb gossip. Kellie does the same. And she's a celebrity apologist. So she brings those stories and does a beautiful job of making it personal to her. That takes skill and she's got it.
The big bosses have held it together this past week in an effort to make Kidd proud. You know he took some headphones up into heaven with Him to listen to last Mondays show. I hope he was proud. White Cheddar is the go to guy with ideas and planning and doing production that fits. Rob Chickering has told us all that we can only do our best in all of this. And yeah we are probably going to screw it up. But what is the right way to handle it when you've suddenly lost your leader? We are all trying our best to continue to build Kidd's legacy of greatness to the best of our ability. George Laughlin is the fearless CEO with the biggest job in trying to keep it all together. And the production crew is at the top of their game. Greggles and Trey bust ass every single day to give us the best audio for the show. Nick Adams is the man behind KiddTV. He's grown leaps and bounds since he first started and is another one I'm proud to watch grow. Dominique Williams has put together our website. And I can tell you with 100% honesty that it's not an easy task. Kidd made no secret about his love for technology and he rode Dominique until she have him exactly what he wanted. Greg Jake manages our affiliate stations and I cannot even pretend to know everything he's been dealing with in the past week. Russface is the social media guru and marketing guy. He gets his job done with russface in tact the while time. Lacey has been on the phones. She's been a sounding board for listeners who wanted to send condolences and share their stories. I'm sure that's draining. But she gets it done and comes to check on me at the end of the day.
I know I'm not including everyone. But there are currently people in the office who could be bath salt face eaters and I wouldn't know it. I can't really specifically praise what I don't know. So to those guys I say great job on whatever it is you guys do. I still want to jack their fancy computers.
I know this isn't all about Kidd, but I feel like we are extensions of him. I was so touched when his brother, Gary, pulled me aside to thank ME for being a huge part of Kidd's success. That's a huge compliment to me. Kidd's brother Lynn is supposed to be texting me at some point so we can stay in touch, but I'm still waiting. I know without a doubt that Kidd is smiling down on and beyond proud of his daughter Caroline. She is a first class young woman. The service we went to yesterday was beautiful. I know it wasn't an easy task in planning the memorial of Kidd. But that girl did it and she did it well. I've not gotten to spend a lot of time with Caroline. She's kind of a big deal and stays busy. But I don't need countless hours spent with her to be proud of her. She's got the eloquence beyond anything I've ever witnessed. I'm so so proud to know her and know that she will certainly do her part to keep Kidd alive.
This sucks. There's no way to sugar coat it. And as in every situation like this... People say "he's in a better place now" or "at least he's in no pain." When it comes to me, I say keep that stuff to yourself. I know intentions are good and that is appreciated very much. But like Kellie said on Mondays show...he didn't suffer. There wasn't a long painful experience he went through. And while I know he's in heaven...hopefully holding hands with my Ethan and reminding him of the love I have for him and how badly I miss him...Kidd was fine here. He made lives better just by talking. He changed the world as I know it with some once in a lifetime experiences. He touched thousands of families with chronically and terminally I'll kids. His skills as an entrepreneur were beyond words. He was innovative and wouldn't let the fear of the unknown stop him. He embraced who he was and found a way to use those things to make memories for all of us. Who else do you know that would go on And on about being short enough to need a booster box? That's just who he was. I never have not will I ever again meet another man like him. I've been so blessed to have him in my life personally and professionally. I have no question about that. And in the past few days I've realized the impact that I made on Kidd's life. Apparently he talked to his family and friends about me because many of them had a lot to say to me about conversations he had with them. That's the biggest compliment ever. Kidd was happy with and loved me.
And that makes me proud.
Here's one of my favorite pics of the show from our Battle of the Sexes cooking competition. And the bottom one is my Ethan backstage while Kidd interviewed Taylor Swift. And please forgive my typos. THis blog wasn't exactly an easy one to write.
Simply put... that was amazing. Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteThank you thank you for this. I have been so heartbroken ever since I heard the tragic news. I was most concerned about you because I knew how very close you & Kidd were. I am SO sorry for your loss. The world lost a wonderful man and my life will never be the same.
ReplyDeleteThis is truly a beautiful open letter and I have to say, while I sit here crying, that Kidd would be truly proud of you. You are someone who knows how to say it in such a way...I am so glad that y'all are staying together and will continue on Kidd's legancy.
ReplyDeleteThank You so much for all that you do and have done. Will be listening Monday morning.
WOW Shannon. Tears in the eyes now. Y'all are amazing people and Kidd will be missed. Keep looking up, cuz that's where it all is:)
ReplyDeleteThat was beautiful Shanon. Thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeleteWow! Tears of joy and happiness while reading this. You are an amazing person and Kidd had every reason to be proud of you, as you should be of yourself! We all look forward to hearing how you all carry on the show. We know you will continue to make both us and Kidd very proud!
Katherine Thomas - Loyal Fan
Lafitte, LA
Shannon my heart is with you and the crew. A big part of my life changed when Kidd passed. No more laughing till I cried and no more crying til I just couldnt take it anymore. For 5 years he was my morning. I only have one question why the hell did it have to happen in New Orleans? lol Makes me hate it here even more. Cant wait til Monday! I know its gonna be fun!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing Shannon. I feel like Kidd and you, like the rest of the gang are like a part of my family.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing and the job you do at KKITM!! This is truly shows the Awesome LOVE that you share for Kidd, Kellie, Big Al, J-Si, Jenna, and the KISS FM Family!! God Bless!!
ReplyDeletePerfection Shannon. Thank you for sharing with us.
ReplyDeleteYou are Amazing. Perfectly and eloquently said.
ReplyDeleteShanon, that was absolutely beautiful. WOW. Ya know my sister mentioned something yesterday that made since to me. I have been pretty upset about this, and she said ya know what Kidds family has that a lot of us do not have when our loved ones have passes away? She said When any of is family miss him and want to see him they can go anywhere on the internet and her his voice or watch him DJ. She said, I know right now that is hard to do, but years down the road they will appreciate that. When his first grandchild is born, they will be able to see him anytime they want. I guess that made sense in a way. Everyone that we have lost in our family suffered horrible deaths, from strokes trying to talk to us and couldn't, to ALS where we watch them suffer just horribly. That is the memory we have, and I hate that. I am so glad that I can see kidd looking healthily, laughing. Great memories. I hope this doesn't upset you, I just thought it was a good point. I feel like I know all of you, and kidd was a very special man. I know he was proud of you, you gave him every reason to be. Reading this just touched my heart Shanon. You are an amazing woman who has come so far, don't stop now. -Keep looking up, cause that's where it all is. (and boy is it)<3
ReplyDeleteOh sweetheart. ...this was perfect. Much love and prayers to you.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing Shannon! Faithful listeners know he couldnt have done the show without you! You said it perfectly....Kidd made lives better just by talking. It's true! I will miss that voice so much and I hope yall will keep some kind of Podcast on with him on it:) Still praying for all of you!
ReplyDeleteI think personally the show should go on. I cant imagine turning on the radio and not hearing your voices. The world has lost another great person, and I am truly sad deep inside my heart. The only charity ive ever donated to has been KIDDS KIDS. Your whole crew is crazy talented. This world will truly be a lesser place without the show. PLEASE PLEASE CONTINUE THE SHOW PLEASE!!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for this Shanon. I know many of us have been heartbroken since we heard the news. He was an amazing man and you are an amazing woman. I know he was proud of you, and I can't imagine what all of you are feeling right now. I am coming to the show on Monday for the first time. I finally get a week day off after 14 years. I wish it had been earlier. Thank you to all of you for making my morning drives so awesome for so many years.
ReplyDeletethank you for that shanon,I always love reading your blogs,and kidd did and still will touch alot of people thru the legacy's he has left behind,he will be missed
ReplyDeleteThis was heartfelt and touching. Thank you for sharing with us.
ReplyDeleteI love your blatant honesty! I expect that from you but not from everyone on the thank you for posting something that is totally raw and uncensored. We love you PsychoShanon and YOU will be great! Kidd taught you EVERYTHING to make someone else great! You were his 3rd/4th you know what it takes to make a show successful. I miss KIDD soooo much, every single morning...but just like Carrie Underwood's song, 'I'll see you again, this is not where it ends...I will carry you with me' ---hang in there.
ReplyDeleteThank u for sharing that beautiful piece Shannon!!! And I completley agree with you, Kidd was perfectly fine here, and I'll always struggle to understand why people like him, who make the world BETTER, are taken from us. Its tragic all the way around!! But, Kidd did love you, all of you, and you will all continue to make him proud!!!!
ReplyDeleteLoved this! Keep your head up Shannon,your a wonderful,beautiful person.
ReplyDeletePerfectly said. Thanks for sharing. You are the BEST at what you do! It takes a special person to be Kidd's "extra set of hands." I'm very sorry for your loss. God Bless.
ReplyDeleteI have to agree with you... my husband is a stage 4 small cell EC patient and he HAS suffered for three years now... but when he's gone I don't want to hear about how he's in a better place either. MY place was just fine! We were happy and had a good life. I just don't want to hear that stuff.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry for your loss... (I remember when you lost Ethan too and that broke my heart for you). I hope the days and months ahead will bring peace and comfort to you and the rest of the crew and Kidd's family. I can't say what "he would want"... but I know that all the rest of us would love for Kidd's Crew to stay together ... to continue to be part of our daily lives... to mourn with us and laugh with us and help us all get through it. Whatever "it" ends up being. Thank you for sharing yourself with all of us... that is part of what makes you the amazing person you are.
Thank you Shannon for sharing your words, feelings, and experiences with us. I have been heartbroken since I heard a week ago about Kidd. I can't even imagine how those of you who knew him personally must be feeling - it has to be a huge loss. I have been watching videos of Kidd and all of you on KiddNation and KiddTV all week long. Crying and laughing and feeling such deep sorrow for the loss of such an incredible man. I have no doubt that his Kidds kids will go on, but it will never be the same without him. I have never cried for any celebrity and can't imagine crying for anyone (ok, I would for Ellen DeGeneres) but Kidd was a "friend" in my heart. I've "liked" a Facebook page called RIPKiddKraddick (or I think that is the name of it) and there have been so many stories and an outpouring of love for Kidd.
ReplyDeleteI bought a Kidd T-shirt today and will donate to Kidds Kids. I vow to continue to support his charity and all of you. I can't imagine not having all of you around anymore so I certainly hope the "powers that be" understand how important ALL of you are to us.
I have no idea all that goes into a radio show. I agree with you that KIDD was brilliant!! What will we do without him as Kellie in love letters to Kellie, and as Kinsey calling J-Si, as well as all the other loveable characters he played? The show grew and progressed -- I hope that continues through this loss.
With that being said -- I love you all! You all have your own special talents and it's a collaborative effort from all of you to make the show work. Yes, Kidd was the leader -- but you all made the success of the show. I can't see anyone else but J-Si leading this crew. It's just my opinion. I don't want to see anyone else come in and take over his spot -- at least not right now. I think J-Si has enough skill that if given the chance he could take off. He seems to have Kidds heart (especially after hearing the random act of kindness story on air right before Kidd passed away). I'm hoping J-Si taking over is what will happen. I also hope that the "higher ups" know how important you are to the show. Even though I don't know personally what you do - I used to see you all the time around Kidds desk pressing buttons and bringing him stuff so I know you had to have been a huge part of his success.
There is a quote I want to leave you with. I think it's one that fit KIDD perfectly. Kidd wasn't afraid to take chances. That was something I loved and admired about him. Most of the time KIDD was brilliant, but some of his "characters" over the years were not always successful. Whatever the case, I laughed with Kidd when we knew things weren't working, and I laughed hysterically when things were spot on. I don't know who this quote is from so I can't give credit but it goes like this:
"It is impossible to live without failing at something. Unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all -- in which case, you fail by default".
KIDD lived fully - he did not default with his life. I can only hope to say the same for myself. I feel inspired even more from him and hope to go on to great things in my neck of the woods.
I've gone on and on and probably not made much sense. Please just know that all of you are in my thoughts and prayers. Kidd was taken far too early from us - this world needed him so badly. I guess we have no choice but to go on and do our part to make Kidd proud of us.
Take care girl - I can't wait for Monday morning to hear all your voices. Know you are loved!!
Hugs to you and all the Kidd crew.
I wanted to give my only personal experience too but it wouldn't let me post it in my original post as it was too long so here it is:
DeleteOn a more personal note - the only experience I ever had of getting through was in the summer of probably 2005 or maybe 2006 (somewhere around that time) Rich was on the show and bringing a bunch of listeners to Panama City Beach, Florida for spring break. Kidd asked if anyone would put them up for the week and I CALLED and offered my 2 bedroom duplex (HA!) and got to talk with Kidd. I was sooo nervous and excited. As I remember it I thought they were coming as I never heard anything different so the day they were supposed to be arriving I went to Walmart on the beach and bought all kinds of food for them. When I went to my car and started putting stuff away I saw a bus full of people and they were loading groceries into it -- I realized at that point that they were probably not going to be staying with me. I have had some medical problems and my memory is not great sometimes so I don't remember if I went over to them but I think I did -- anyway - I was disappointed but also very excited that Kidd was doing things in where I was living.
Beautifully written, Shanon! Kidd will be very much missed. Him and Ethan are up in heaven together!
ReplyDeleteI'm very much looking forward to tuning in Monday morning. Of course, as much as Kidd will be greatly missed, we all know the show will thrive without him.
Oh, Shanon..... I never post to people's blogs, but I can't help it with yours. You have been in my thoughts for the last week and I have just been praying that you were as ok as you could be, given the situation. You know, there are times you can just tell someone has a good heart, and I've felt that about you from the very beginning. And, obviously Kidd felt the same way. I wish you nothing but the very best.
ReplyDeleteEven though I only met u once that day at the anatole ive listened to the show my whole life...I was shocked to hear kidd had passed..great man with a great team..til this day I still cherish the shirt I requested from u n framed the card u wishes fir his family and to the crew of the show
ReplyDeleteBawled my eyes out reading this. Shanon I have never met you or any of Kidd's crew, but it was completely evident on air how much he adored you. You have another angel watching over you. That sucks to hear, I know, because it doesn't take away the pain. Please be happy to know you make him proud and take him with you wherever you go next...
ReplyDeleteLove and hugs to you Shanon. I know that was difficult to write. Kidd was proud of you, always. I have known you since you first were an intern and Kidd always spoke highly of you. Kidd's passing has left a huge hole in everyone's hearts and I know the biggest ones are in yours, your co-workers and Kidd's family. I plan on being at the show first thing Monday morning to cheer you all on. You've all been a big part of my life and I wish you all huge success. I know Kidd is watching and cheering you all on to do greatness and you will because he taught you all and he was the BEST! He touched millions of people and I am lucky to be one of them.
ReplyDeleteI was 19 and worked at North Lake College when you were just starting with Kidd... I remember many occasions over the years that I felt like if our paths crossed we could be best friends. I've laughed with you and cried with you while sitting in my car, late to work again because I just couldn't get out of the car yet. I understand that deep love you have for little Ethan as I too share a special relationship with my own nieces and nephew. I could't even imagine the pain and heartache of losing him the way you did. I know everyone (listeners) including myself feels like they've lost a family member in Kidd's death, but you truly lost a family member in this. Kidd took you under his wing and cared for you like his own! It's a rare thing for people to be able to say that they truly love their co-workers and everyone can feel that with the whole crew of KKITM. You all are bonded together so well, beyond Kidd's amazing character, you all are truly genuine. I know that is why I continue to listen year after year... I think i would have been just as shocked had we lost anyone of the family so suddenly. We will never truly understand why such amazing people are taken from this life in such ways until we too get to meet our maker.
Thank you for being transparent. I too am proud of the amazing person (you) that we've gotten to know through the airways for 14 years. You SHOULD be proud. Continue to be incredible, your fans are still listening!
ReplyDeleteyou are a beautiful soul. kidd was, and still is, proud of you. you were and are my favorite out of the show because I've identified with you on countless occasions. it saddens me that I don't get to hear you on the show these days but I understand that we can't always get what we want.
loosing kidd was hard on me, not NEAR as the amount of pain and loss that everyone in the kkitm family has felt, yet I've finally cried my tears, prayed to God and I finally have the peace that kidd is up there and now I FINALLY get a chance to talk to him. he's been talking to us for years.
i'm rambling. look. your post just gave me closure that ive needed. thank you so much for that. and thank you for being you. thank you for always being you. thank you for being kidd's right hand. and thank you for sharing through your pain.
you are so very strong.
keep looking up.....
Thank you for writing and sharing with us. Like so many others, Kidd was a part of my life. Obviously not knowing him personally,it still has taken me awhile to accept his passing. Honestly, I don't know whose my favorite because all of u bring so much to the table. Kidd always made it flow so smoothly. I will continue to listen and sometimes watch you guys. We need you. We hurt for you guys but together we can keep his legacy live on. Keep on doing it girl!! Much love from KY.
ReplyDeleteAmazing writing, Shanon. Thank you SO much for sharing this with us. I hope it was cathartic for your soul. What an awesome honor to know you've made a difference in someone's life, who in turn was your own idol. Great things are in store for you, too, darlin'. Not only should you "keep looking up...," but keep looking forward. You're going to do great things too...heck, you already have. Hugs and love.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for sharing! Kidd loved & loves you and he lives on vicariously through you and everyone he has touched. I am sure he is super proud of you and what you have done and what you will accomplish. Keep looking up, cause that is where it all is! Much love and peace to you. <3
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing! God bless u n the rest of the morning crew. We love n will miss Kidd dearly but we also love you, Kellie, big Al Mac, J-si, n Jenna n everyone else who works at Kiss FM n Caroline too of course. I'm sure ya'll will do great with the morning show n yes it will be different but still great. I will pray for all of you. May God be with you during this difficult time. Much love n peace be with you n the rest of the Kiss FM family. <3 u all
ReplyDeleteYou are a credit to everything natural & good in this world. Keep rolling Shanon.
ReplyDeleteI've been consumed with Kidd's death since hearing of it last weekend. As many have said, it's hard to explain being so saddened by losing someone you've never actually met. I've listened every single morning for over a decade (Gail was there when I started listening). If I'm on vacation, I stream it through I Heart Radio because the show was part of my daily routine, and anyone who knows me can tell you I'm a creature of habit.
I am so happy that you guys will be back on Monday morning. In whatever incarnation the show takes on now without its leader, I will be there listening. I've always believed that Kellie and I could be best friends (lol), and I love each cast member for different reasons. I know that when Kidd had to miss a show, it had a different vibe and I could tell as soon as I turned it on that the leader was MIA, but I think each of you guys will carry on his legacy and your loyal fans will be supportive. Thanks for your honest was great to read about Kidd from your perspective. My thoughts and prayers are with you and the rest of the gang.
Still making him happy, be proud, that was so eloquent, beautiful, and honest. Peace be with you Shanon and thank you.
ReplyDeleteIt was perfect Shanon! My prayers are with you that God will heal your heart. Even though I didn't know him personally, I feel like I lost a friend. I started listening to Kidd on a regular basis when I moved back to Corpus Christi TX. I moved in February to DC and I would listen on Ustream. I will miss his voice in the mornings, but I'm certain that his legacy will continue and knowing that he made such a big positive difference in this world, makes me want to be a better person too. Hugs.
ReplyDeleteShanon, your blog post is beautiful. It clearly came from the heart and soul. I heard you talking on the show the following Monday. I was listening to Kellie in the beginning and could here the raw emotion in her voice. When you were telling your story.....that is when I lost it. You are very blessed to have such a wonderful, caring, genuine man like Kidd. He did have a huge impact on your life which made you a better person. God bless you. Love to all of you and thanks to all of you for sharing with all of us. I am honored. Take care..........
ReplyDeleteYou're so cool.... :) As lucky as you are to have known Kidd and be a BIG part of his life, he was just as lucky to have you in his. And that goes for everyone else at KKITM and all the listeners! You're a genuine person, and that is extremely hard to find. You don't "sugar coat" anything and that's admirable. I'm sure that's a lot of Kellie Raspberry rubbed off on you... You're an awesome chick Psycho Shannon, and I'd ride in a cop car with you any day!
ReplyDeleteThank you for writing all that. I have listened to Kidd literally since '84 when he was on KEGL and felt like I knew him. I think he thought of you as a daughter but treated you like a sister, either way it was very clear that he loved you.