I’m a slacker and I know it. I have no excuse, so I won’t
try and make any up. I’ve been preoccupied. Lots of stuff going on in these
parts and I suck at life for not making time to write about them.
So, let’s see. I did the big lesbian festival a couple
Sunday’s ago. It went pretty OK. I got my sunburn that I put the pic of. Then
some of you were kind enough to make what were meant to be rude comments about
my back. Here’s a lesson for you, haters. That stuff doesn’t bother me. Would
you rather I have a back of fat rolls? A toned back doesn’t make you manly, so
I wasn’t offended by your comments that were intended to offend. Sorry ‘bout
ya. Try harder next time.
On a lighter note, I came in my living room where the Billboard
Music Awards are on. My car has been respectfully named Kelly Clarkson since
2012 now. But there’s a very slight chance that the name may be changing. Here
are the options I just decided on. These aren’t very well thought out at all,
but it’s OK.
Miranda Lambert and/or Carrie Underwood’s thighs
Not Lorde
This may sound a little beeyotchy, but do you think Chrissy
Teegan or whatever her name is gets sick of the John Legend “All of Me” song?
It’s so sweet….I know. I love it. I love the idea and meaning behind it. If I
could write like that and play an instrument and stuff, I would in a heartbeat.
But come on. Be honest. If she’s in the car by herself and that song comes on
for the hundred millionth time just to put it on another station and another to
another for it to be there still, isn’t she just like “OMG. I get it.” And if
she’s this hot person or whatever…I don’t personally find her attractive, but I
may be the minority because she’s doing something right…some part of her has to
want like a “Talk Dirty” kind of song. Maybe I should stop thinking about this
and move onto something a little more productive.
To all the Tegan and Sara fans out there, yes. I did join
the SCS. Have I gotten my sash and patches yet? No. I’m waiting. I will tell
you loud and proud when they finally come. Maybe someone can iron my patches
onto my sash for me. I think the stupid fancy iron I bought is broken because
it just turns off even if I don’t unplug it or push any buttons or anything. I
don’t understand it.
If you haven’t purchased the new Jason DeRulo album yet, I
suggest it. I love that dang With The Lights On song. I wanna do it with my
Nike’s on and the lights on and other stuff on. I forgot what else he wants on.
He’s not signing to me, so I don’t really need to remember. Oh, we can record
it with my iPhone 5. I do remember that. And there’s a song about a booty like
bubblegum that I like, too. I don’t have a booty like bubblegum, so he’s not
singing that to me, either. But if I did have a booty like bubblegum, I would
pop it like bubblegum. I also got the Miley Cyrus album. I’m not shamed to
admit it. I really like it/ That SMS song with Britney is great. And FUH. There’s
some other ones, but I’m not familiar with them yet. Plus, I’m on antibiotics.
If it works for Al, that can work for me.
On an honest serious or whatever note, an update. I guess it
worrisome that my weight continues to drop. So on Tuesday they’re doing a
stomach scope. I’m not excited about it one little bit, but I’ve got no
appetite. And when I do eat, it comes back up. That’s gross and not healthy and
just not OK, so maybe they can figure out something on Tuesday. Or not. We will
see. Either way, they’re putting me under and sticking a tube down some part of
me. I’ll let you know how that goes.